Ishrat presented GDEIB awards to Most Inclusive Companies of Pakistan

Dr. Ishrat Husain

On the eve of International Women’s Day 2024, Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB) awards 2023 were organized by HR Metrics on 6 March. Dr. Ishrat Husain Former Governor State Bank of Pakistan presented GDEIB Awards to winner companies. Distinguised speakers included Conrad Tribble Consul General Karachi, Dr. Ruediger Lotz German Consul General Karachi, Atif Bajwa President Bank Alfalah Limited, Zaffar A. Khan Former CEO Engro Corporation, Musharaf Hai Former CEO Unilever & L’Oréal Pakistan, Maheen Rahman CEO InfraZamin Pakistan, Memosh Khawaja CEO Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance, Zahid Mubarik CEO HR Metrics, Jamal Nasir CHRO HBL and Hajra Omer Head HR Nestlé Pakistan Limited,

During this speech, Dr. Ishrat Husain remarked that women participation in workforce has positive impact on economy. In Bangladesh, 38% women representation has helped in minimizing inequality. Based on the performance of year 2023, three companies were declared as “Most Inclusive Organizations 2023”; including, HBL, Bank Alfalah Limited and Nestlé Pakistan Limited. Top 10 inclusive companies were Engro Fertilizers Limited, HBL Microfinance Bank, Jazz, Faysal Bank Ltd, METRO Pakistan (Pvt) Limited, Aga Khan University and Standard Chartered Bank. Top 20 inclusive companies are Engro Energy Limited, Soneri Bank Limited, Engro Polymer & Chemicals Limited, National Bank of Pakistan, Pakistan Tobacco Company Ltd, United Bank Limited, Greenstar Social Marketing Limited, PepsiCo Pakistan, AGP Limited and Abacus Consulting Technology Limited
Overall companies winning awards in selective categories were HRSG, Martin Dow Group, Novo Nordisk Pakistan, Mobilink Microfinance Bank Limited, Jubilee Life Insurance, K-Electric Limited, U Microfinance Bank Ltd, TPL Corp Limited, Bayer Pakistan Private Limited, foodpanda Pakistan, Mashreq Global Services (SMC-Pvt) Limited, TPL Insurance Limited, Jaffer Business Systems, BRB Group, Allied Bank Ltd, HABIBMETRO Bank, Karandaaz Pakistan, Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited, JS Bank, Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (PSX), The Millennium Universal College – TMUC, DVAGO and International Centre of Excellence (ICE) Pakistan.
“Inspirational Women of the Year Award” was conferred upon Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, Caretaker Finance Minister of Pakistan and Musharaf Hai, Former CEO Unilever and L, OREAL Pakistan.

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