National Skills University Islamabad Joins Global Initiative to Enhance Skills Education

National Skills University Islamabad Joins Global Initiative to Enhance Skills Education

The National Skills University Islamabad, a pioneer in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the country, has taken a significant step towards global leadership in skills education. This week, the university proudly announced its participation in the Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET (BILT) project’s self-reflection process, developed by UNESCO/UNEVOC and the German…

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Cybercriminals exploit pubic facing applications to attack users

Cybercriminals exploit pubic facing applications to attack users

Islamabad : Today, public-facing applications play a pivotal role in enabling businesses to interact with customers, partners, and stakeholders. These applications, ranging from websites to APIs and web services, serve as the digital storefronts of organizations, providing essential services and information to users worldwide. But in its latest Incident Response report, Kaspersky found that public-facing…

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